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英国:没有国庆节 2005年10月12日03:48 青年参考

















  By David Jamie Wills

  My youth was, if not a million miles away from the typicalChinesechild, then a whole world from the Shanghai kids to whom Iattemptto inculcate red and . Growing up in the Scottisherewhons andattending first a school of 90 and then a localcomprehensive 11miles over the hills which tallied at 500, myupbringing was as muchan opposite as possible from those growingup here in the sprawl. Iknow what grass feels like. Ive seenstars. On my walk home fromthe bus stop at a blustery croossroadsin the wilderness, along thegrass verge, I passed a castle. Therewas, its safe to say, littlein common with this environment; yet,come October, both Scottishand Chinese children alike are granteda weeks clemency from thepressures of being educated.

  In Scotland the October holiday seemed special in its oddity:notlong enough to become bored and, having been back at schoolbarelylong enough to mould a seat on the bus to my size, connectedto thesummer holiday in feeling but the Christmas break inclimate.Frankly it seemed a ridiculous time of year to take timeoff andtry to enjoy ones self. The snows would come later –January,February, occasionally Christmas Eve – and so this recentlyarrivedcold was not fun, just bitter, and made worse by BST movingto GMTand forcing everyone to wake an hour earlier, an hourlessfriendly. In cold climates October is the point in thecalendarwhen things begin to happen slower as Novemeber and itsindoorslife approaches, when faces freeze to a stoic glare. We arebetweenparties.

  My brothers and I would therefore drive my mother crazy athome.We never went anywhere truly exotic during October because,unlikethe insanity here where a billion people squeeze onto thetrains,this holiday didnt exist for adults unless requested: daysoff aremore liberally applicable in Britain. As my father preferredsummertrips into Europe – when we would all jump into the car anddrivethrough a series of countries and fight over the radio station– hespent this time at work. And perhaps we did not need goanywhereexotic for looking out I could see the fields and foliagefindingcolours and hues unique to the season: fawn, russet, thefadingyellows and greens of an Autumn ending. Undulations rippedacrossthe low-lying brows of the remaining crop heads, rippling nottolife as in spring but to the end of a cycle. The winds fromtheNorth Sea had arrived and pushed clear the last of theheat,leaving a hint of salt that lingered an inch off the skin.Byronand Shelley would have loved it, but mostly I watched TVandimagined playing professional football. The week seemed sparelikethat. And then it was gone.

  At university having an October break stopped as this wasthemonth studying began, but now Im in China it has returned.Thingsare different now, however, and it has nothing to do withtheculture gap that most people believe explains everythingthatforeigners feel here, nor the fact that China is patting itselfonthe back with a horrible media grin outsiders dont get toconnectwith. It is a simple truth that somewhere eight years passedandnow Im older; that holidays are, it seems, different foradults,less about fun and slacking, more about keeping your headdown andrecharging. That is not to say I am ungrateful for the time– Iacknowledge those poor dears working through - but instead thattheboundaries of the week are more defined, where relaxing is agoalrather than a given.Even a task as basic as not going to workneedsconsideration and purpose. For me the aim is this: donothing.

  Doing nothing is what I firmly believe holidays are about.Itfeels good and it puts thoughts in order. The potential to actisalways there, but ony if youre feeling frisky. Perhaps it isastrange dox that for a country boy staying in Shanghai is thebestway to relax for this one week, but nonetheless its true.Sometroublemakers, of course, tell me this inertia is a waste, thatIought to go travelling whenever there is a break, thattheseopportunities are rare in the schedule. They say go to thewall,or Xian. I believe, on the other hand, this would beforced,travelling for travellings sake and not because I want togoanywhere. Moreover travelling at a dictated time, along witheveryother soul, defeats the purpose of escape, makes one feel likeatourist armed with a camera and following a yellow flag. Themomentfreedom and liberty is defined it loses its fun. No, mytravellingthis break is only to places I truly want to visit:between my bedand the fridge.

  And what else to do? I shall swap theself-congratulatingcelebrations of National Day and instead read abook. StudyingChinese will take up a little of the morning. Nowthat its coldenough to close the windows I shall enjoy the newquiet in myapartment. Yes, give me time off and no matter how muchnoise youmake, how big your party, I will ignore you. Goodnight.Wake me upon Monday.


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