国际先驱导报:我为何不投递诱饵卡 | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003年11月17日10:29 国际先驱导报 | |
行骗卡 A game card (usually of the “scratch-and-win” variety)swheresa winner collects their prize by calling a 900 number, which ends up costing them an exorbitant sum on their phone bill. (Also known as a sucker card.) 一种游戏卡(通常属于“一抓就中奖”这一类)中奖者通过拨打900的号码领奖,结果使得他们的电话费账单上的金额高得超常。(也叫做诱饵卡。) “I make a conscientious effort to uphold those guidelines. The same cannot be said for the corporation's retail salespeople who sign distribution contracts with purveyors of scam cards. In agreeing to those contracts, Canada Post is in effect legitimizing and lending credibility to the products.” ——“Why I won't deliver sucker cards,” The Globe and Mail “真心实意维护这些指导方针。就与行骗卡提供者签订分销合同的该公司零售销售人员而言,都不能说他们也是这样行事的。加拿大邮政局同意这些合同,实际上就是在使这种产品合法化和获得信任。” ——《我为何不投递诱饵卡》 (加拿大《环球邮报》) (王季良/译) 声明:《国际先驱导报》授权新浪网独家报道,未经许可,请勿转载。 | |