使别人苦恼的方法 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003年10月01日02:01 青年参考 |
1.Sing the Batman theme incessantly. 不间断地唱《蝙蝠人》的主题曲。 2.Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends inpublicconsisting entirely of″Beeeep Bip Bip Beeeep Bip…″. 学会莫尔斯电码,在公共场所和朋友们用莫尔斯电码交谈:”哔哔哔哔哔……“ 3.Speak only in a″robot″voice. 只用机器人的腔调说话。 4.Start each meal by conspicuously licking all your food,andannounce that this is so no one will″swipe yourgrub″. 在用餐前大舔特舔你的食物,并宣布这样就没人会“偷”吃了。 5.Leave the copy machine set toreduce200%,extradark,99copies. 将复印机的工作状态设置为:缩小200%、加黑、复印99份。 6.Sniffle incessantly. 不停地吸鼻子。 7.Leave your turn signal on for fifty miles. 一直将你车上的转弯指示灯开着,直到走完50公里。 8.Reply to everything someone says with″that's whatYOUthink.″ 别人每说完一件事,你就说:“那只是你的想法。” 9.Declare your apartment an independent nation, and sueyourneighbors upstairs for″violating your airspace″. 宣布你的公寓是一个独立的国家,并指控你楼上的邻居“侵犯了你的领空”。 10.Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everythingtheytouch with a can of Lysol. 缓慢地跟着某人,并向他接触过的每件东西喷洒来沙尔牌消毒剂。 11.Practice making fax and modem noises. 练习使传真机和调制解调器发出噪音。 声明:《青年参考》授权新浪网独家报道,未经许可,请勿转载。 |