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老外在中国砍价之“完全手册” 2005年10月19日04:20 青年参考












  (本文作者现居上海,为电视节目主持人)By Janet W.S Suryasta-Cheung“I didnt comeallthe way to china, to kick someone in the nuts”DVD, BAG, WATCH!Myfriend i give you good price!Excuse me did you just call meyourfriend? Everyone is friends in China. That man sitting onhisbamboo chair scratching his foot every morning at 7 am, whenyouare strolling out to work. He is your friend! You just didn’tevenknow it. Have you ever heard those stories that start a littlebitlike this “ my brothers friends sisters cousin, has a friendwhoseuncle Xiao Zhang can get you cheaper tickets to Beijing”.Althoughit seems so far stretched and unrealistic, in china, itsactuallypossible that Xiao Zhang might get you on acheaperflight.Relationships and Guanxi actually do work.Everyoneconsiders you their friend, so long as you have somethingtoprovide to the extended network. In the market place, whensomeonecalls you their friend, PLAY ALONG! It will save you acouple ofkuai here and there. Everyone knows generally things arecheap tobuy here. When I first arrived here I thought paying 70RMBfor apair of sunglasses was a fantastic deal, later did I learnthat thegoing rate for a knock off is actually 20 RMB.After 3 yearsofliving and grinding it out here, I have developed my own“friends”at the market. Although I actually don’t know their names,nor do Iknow what they like to do for fun, they are my “vendorfriends”. Ihave developed a relationship with all key vendors forseveralpopular items. When a “conventional” friend needs to buysomethingI now hurry them along to my regular vendor for greatdeals.You canalways get something for cheaper, but it always helpsto knowsomeone, this can be said and applied to around the world,howeverthe difference with china is that it is a sport. Bargainingandhaggling is a sport, it requires a certain skill setincluding,language, body gestures and movement, intelligence, teamwork andmost important of all patience.Know what you want to buy,askaround to see what price others have made purchases at.Researchinto the different levels of quality available. Inquireabout howlong your product lasts for. If you have a network of“vendorfriends” they will generally be honest with you and suggestotheror better options for you. Still be on guard though, andneverforget that no matter how many times you have returned to astore,that this is still business. Your “vendor friend” will stillupmark prices a bit, so there is always room to bargain for afewmore kuai.Learn to “walk the walk and talk the talk”, walkingawayfrom an item after a few mins of haggling can work wonders foryou.If you simply don’t have time to sit and chat, and throwpunchesback and forth on how you need something cheaper and how heneedssome money to buy a pack of cigarettes at least. Just walkaway,the sales person will now start screaming prices at you thatwillgo progressively lower and lower the further you walk away.This isan easy way to judge how low the person is really willing tosellsomething before they completely loose the sale and chances ofanyincome. Of course it helps a lot more if you are able to atleastutter a few words in Chinese.Talk to your vendor, there areseveralapproaches that can be taken but I find that this one worksas acharm. Try smiling, be bubbly, tell the vendor you are buyingthisas a gift and that you’re a student with a low budget. Betheirbuddy, tell them that they are your “Friends” for a change.Makesure you tell them that the guy in booth 217 was offering youacheaper price, and was going to throw in a free scarf. Speakingofwhich, freebies are easy to negotiate for. When you havealreadysettled on a price, and last minute you have an inkling thatyoupaid a bit too much. Ask “Bag lady” to throw in something forfree,perhaps a keychain or a small item that matches what you areaboutto purchase.Team work can come into play when bargaining withafriend. You can casually talk about how you saw that itemcheaperat another store, and try and convince your friend that theycanget a better deal else where. When “Shoe guy” hears this, hewillwant to make sure that you don’t leave, and may offer you arockbottom price. But buyer beware, they will also try and convinceyouthat the other “shoe guys” products aren’t of as high a qualityashis are. Your best bet here is then to say that you purchasetheseitems all the time and know very well about Class A, B, andCproducts. Once “shoe guy” hears you are a regular shopper, hewillthen become more inclined to sell you items.In shanghai, youcanmake friends, and you should make “friends” too. It will takeyouplaces, and in this fast paced environment competitiveenvironment,you will need to apply these “golden rules of shopping”to otheraspects of your life as well. Good luck on your adventures,I’mheading out the door now, to go see what’s the latest onthestreets.



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