人大新闻中心公告第8号 | |||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年03月05日17:24 新华网 | |||||||||
新闻中心公告 (第8号) 3月6日上午 开放团组活动一览表
代表团 时间 地点 会议形式 会议议题 云南 9:00 中国职工之家(真武庙1号)二层云南团会议室 全体会议 审议政府工作报告 审议“十一五”规划纲要 湖南 9:00 人民大会堂东大厅 全体会议 审议政府工作报告 海南 9:00 人民大会堂海南厅 全体会议 “十一五”规划纲要草案审议政府工作报告 香港 9:00 人民大会堂香港厅 全体会议
湖北 9:00至10:50 新大都饭店(车公庄大街21号)多功能厅 全体会议 审议政府工作报告和“十一五”规划纲要草案 江西 9:00 金台饭店(地安门西大街38号)一楼四方厅 全体会议 审议政府工作报告及“十一五”规划纲要 西藏 9:00 人民大会堂西藏厅 全体会议 审议政府工作报告和“十一五”规划纲要草案 黑龙江 9:00 新大都饭店(车公庄大街21号)会议中心楼 全体会议 建设社会主义新农村 振兴东北老工业基地 十届全国人大四次会议新闻中心2006年3月5日 NoticeDelegation Meetings Open to the Press (Morning, March 6th) Delegation Time Place Form of the Meeting Topics Yunan 9:00am Meeting Room of the Yunan Delegation, 2nd Floor, Staff’s Home (Zhi Gong Zhi Jia) Hotel (No.1 Zhenwumiao) Delegation Meeting Deliberating Government Work Report and the Guidelines of the 11th Five-year Plan Hunan 9:00am East Hall, GHP Delegation Meeting Deliberating Government Work Report Hainan 9:00am Hainan Hall, GHP Delegation Meeting Deliberating Government Work Report and the Guidelines of the 11th Five-year Plan Hong Kong 9:00am Hong Kong Hall, GHP Delegation Meeting Deliberating Government Work Report Hubei 9:00am – 10:50am Multifunction Room, Xindadu Hotel (No. 21 Chegongzhuang Street) Delegation Meeting Deliberating Government Work Report and the Guidelines of the 11th Five-year Plan Jiangxi 9:00am Sifang Hall, 1st floor, Jintai Hotel (No.38 Di’anmenxi Street) Delegation Meeting Deliberating Government Work Report and the Guidelines of the 11th Five-year Plan Xizang 9:00am Xizang Hall, GHP Delegation Meeting Deliberating Government Work Report and the Guidelines of the 11th Five-year Plan Heilongjiang 9:00am Meeting Centre, Xindadu Hotel (No. 21 Chegongzhuang Street) Delegation Meeting Building New Socialist Countryside, Revitalizing Old Industrial Bases in China’s North East Note: 1.PleaseentertheeasternentranceforopendelegationmeetingsheldintheGHP. 2.PleasefollowcloselythenoticeissuedbythePressCentreincaseanychangeismade. Press CenterThe Fourth Session of the Tenth NPC5 March 2006 相关专题:2006年全国两会 |