请你开车时不要打电话 | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003年11月24日15:41 国际先驱导报 | |
DWY Driving while yakking—driving a car while talking on a cell phone. 为Driving while yakking之缩略语,意为边开车边滔滔不绝地用手机交谈。 “Officers have their hands full already, and unless the legislature makes the fine higher than the proposed in these bills, cops might reasonably conclude that the lawmakers don't think DWY is that big a deal. Why go to a lot of trouble to nail somebody for something so minor? Yet it isn't minor. Though a lot of people have gotten in the habit of dialing and talking, and though most of them haven't had a wreck, that doesn't mean it's safe.” ——“Please hang up and drive,”Morning Star “警察们已经忙得不可开交了,因此除非议会把罚金规定得比这些议案中提议的25美元高,否则警察们可能合乎情理地得出结论,认为议员们觉得边开车边打手机并不是什么了不起的问题。干吗要去费周折为了这么点区区小事拦住人家。然而这并非区区小事。虽然许许多多人已形成了(边开车边)拨打电话交谈的习惯,虽然他们绝大多数没有出事故,但是这并不意味着这样做是安全的。” ——《请你开车时不要打电话》(《晨星报》) (王季良/译) 声明:《国际先驱导报》授权新浪网独家报道 相关专题:国际先驱导报 | |